The Story

    In the realm of sport teams, community involvement and

sports sponsorship,

there's a rich history rooted in the

support of local business


During the early days, it was

the local bakery, the

neighborhood garage,

or the town's diner that would

sponsor the local sports teams.


This age-old tradition established a

reciprocal relationship between

local sports teams and businesses,

where the community would rally

behind both the teams and the

businesses supporting them


    Today, the commercialization of

sports escalated, larger corporations

now overshadow the

small business sponsor


Advertising space in sport has

became a playground for the

major brands,

leaving small business owners

at a disadvantage


Local Business Sponsorship provides

the personal touch fostering community

engagement and brand loyality


   Too many Sport Enterprises have

turned to the 'Big Easy' money

Of Corporate Sponsorships


Small Business

Always Has And Always Will

Be There



    The abandonment of reliance on small  business not only affected the dynamics of

sports sponsorship but also started to erode

the close-knit community fabric that local

sports teams and small businesses

had once woven together


Local Sportsorships™ was always about

more than just advertising.

It was sharing values, mutual team

support and community growth


These values have seemingly been lost

in the glitz and glamour of

big-brand sponsorships


Sportsors™ and Sportsorship™

are worling to close this gap with

a new initiative and vision to rekindle

the spirit of local sponsorship in sports.


Sportsors™ is aming to create the platform

where small business owners could

once again find a foothold in

sports sponsorship while connecting with

their teams and their loyal fan base


Sportsors™ aspires to revive the tradition

of community-centric sports sponsorship,

bringing back the personal touch and local

engagement that had been overshadowed

in the modern era of sports advertising


The Sportsors™ model was designed to be

a win-win for both local sports teams

seeking support and small businesses

seeking visibility and engagement

within their community.


Through a unique geo-centric approach,

Sportsors™ aimed to create a symbiotic

relationship between local businesses,

fans and and sports teams, fostering a

culture of localized support and

community engagement that would

benefit all stakeholders involved


By stepping into this niche, Sportsors™

sought to bring sports sponsorship

back to its roots, emphasizing the

invaluable bond between local sports, businesses, and the communities they serve.


This initiative represents a huge stride

towards restoring the essence of community

sponsorship, celebrating the original spirit of

sports sponsorship while adapting to the

evolving commercial landscape.




 Sport Needs Sportsors™

Sportsors™ Need Sport